Services and forms
You can visit or call the agencies of the judiciary during their opening hours. You can also have your matter dealt with in many of the agencies by using the electronic services.
You can find the postal address, visiting address, telephone number and email address of each agency on the page ‘Contact information of agencies’.
Contact information of agencies
Read more about using the services provided by the judicial authorities:
Financial and debt counselling services
Contacting the public guardianship services
Services provided by the courts
Customer service and e-services of the National Enforcement Authority Finland
Call prices
The price for calls to numbers beginning with 0295 in Finland is the rate determined in your subscriber connection agreement if you call from a mobile phone, and the standard local network rate determined in your subscriber connection agreement if you call from a landline telephone. The numbers beginning with 0295 are nationwide, operator-independent portable telephone numbers, as defined by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), and they do not include any service or other special charges.
The price for calls to mobile phone numbers (e.g. numbers beginning with 040 or 050) is the standard local network rate or the standard mobile rate charged by your operator.
When calling from abroad, the price is determined by the local operator.

Published 7.2.2021