Contact details
Postal address
Board on Trial Counsel
Unioninkatu 16
00130 Helsinki, Finland
+358 2956 43412 Marianne Pikkarainen,
Referendary to the Board on Trial Counsel
+358 2956 43411 Ani Antila,
Coordinator of the Board on Trial Counsel
Call prices
Calls are charged at the local network rate or the rate set by the caller’s mobile telephone operator.
When sending e-mail, replace (at) with @.
Secure email
Email messages and attachments containing personal data or confidential or otherwise sensitive information should be sent to the Board through a secure connection or by letter.
(For example, a completed application contains personal data. Confidential or otherwise sensitive information includes information on a person’s income, assets and enforcement cases, health or imprisonment).
Secure connection
You can send secure email to the Board on Trial Counsel through the Ministry of Justice’s secure email service.
Please address the message to the following recipient:
When sending e-mail, replace (at) with @.
By law, sending a message containing sensitive or confidential information is at the sender’s responsibility (Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector, 13/2003, section 8).