
You can file a complaint if you suspect that a public authority or individual official has not respected the law or fulfilled their duties, or that basic and human rights have not been adequately respected. Authorities include government agencies and institutions, municipal bodies and courts.

You cannot file a complaint about a matter that is currently before a court or other authority, or is under appeal. In general, you cannot complain about matters that are more than two years old.

Complaints are dealt with by the authorities above the subject of the complaint, the Chancellor Justice and the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

Based on the complaint, a decision will be made on whether the subject of the complaint has acted unlawfully. The complaint will not directly alter the decision taken by the subject of the complaint or give rise to a right to compensation. The subject of the complaint may, however, take wrongly made decisions back for reconsideration.

Complaint against a decision of a prosecutor

The Prosecutor General, as the chief public prosecutor, has the discretion to reopen a case decided by a local prosecutor. More information on the website of the National Prosecution Authority.