Debt matters

If a debtor does not pay their debt voluntarily, the debt matter can be brought to court. At court, the debtor can admit that the debt is founded or deny their liability over the debt. The first option is called an undisputed debt case and the latter a disputed debt case.

Undisputed debt case or summary debt case

Most debt cases are undisputed, in which case they also called summary debt cases. The debt being undisputed means that the creditor and the debtor agree that the debt exists, but repayment has still not been carried out as agreed.

The case being summary means that the case can be processed without full judicial proceedings, because repayment is usually neglected because of insolvency and not because the debtor views the debt as unfounded. Commonly such debt matters include rent payments, consumer credits, telephone and electricity bills, and evictions.

In a case involving agreement-based and very clear debt, the claimant or the person claiming payment can initiate proceedings at a district court with simpler claims than usually required. After the case becomes pending at a court, it is usually processed with a written procedure. More information on summary civil cases (

Disputed debt case

A debt case is disputed when a debtor entirely denies being responsible for making the claimed payment. The debtor may be of the opinion that they are not the person responsible for paying the debt, they can deny the agreement or payment liability on which the debt is based, or view the amount of the payment as erroneous.

Disputed debt cases are processed by courts in an oral hearing or with a written procedure. Mediation between the parties is also possible. More information on processing civil cases.

Court judgment in debt cases

When a court issues a judgment in a debt case, the debt becomes enforceable. This means that the creditor can apply for the enforcement of the debt, after which the debt can be distrained from the debtor’s wages or property. More information on enforcement.