Processing of a petitionary matter

Most matters processed by district courts are related to everyday life and require confirmation from a court or entering the matter in a public register. Such matters include divorce, child custody cases, appointing a guardian or an estate distributor, and cancelling a document.

Petitioner is the person who initiates the petitionary matter, such as a divorce or a guardianship matter, at the court. The person subject to the petition submitted is the counterparty of the petitioner, or a party to the matter. For example, in a divorce case, the spouse whom the petitioner wishes to divorce is a party to the matter.


A petitionary matter is initiated or becomes pending when a petitioner delivers their petition to the district court registry. If needed, the district court may request more information from the petitioner before the matter is processed. If the matter involves other parties, the district court will reserve the other parties the opportunity to state their views by requesting them to submit a statement on the petition.

Processing and resolution

A petitionary matter can be decided with a written procedure if there are no other parties to the matter in addition to the petitioner or if the other parties to the matter do not oppose the petition.

An oral hearing is held in a petitionary matter if there is a need to hear the parties involved, witnesses or other persons in person. An oral hearing is also held if the parties to the case are not in agreement or if any of them requests an oral hearing.

When the district court decides the case, it will send the decision to the petitioner.

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