
District courts give their decisions orally at the end of the court hearing or later in writing.

The judge pronounces the judgment, which means that the judge explains the content of their decision to those present at the hearing. The victim and the defendant can request to have the decision delivered to them or their attorney in writing as well. For this, the district court requires an email address.

If the decision is issued as a written decision, the judge will let the participants know the date of issuance at the end of the court hearing. In this case, the district court will deliver the decision to the defendant and the victim or their attorneys by email. In addition, the parties can read the decision at the district court registry.

Enforcement of sentences

A decision becomes enforceable or final if none of the parties to the case apply for leave to appeal during the appeal period. After this, the sentence will be enforced meaning that a fine sentence will become payable and the preparations to carry out imprisonment or a community sanction will be started.

Criminal records

Information on criminal sanctions is recorded to different official registers, such as the criminal records and the register of fines, depending on the type of the sanction. The registers have dedicated provisions that determine how long the information is kept and what it can be used for.

Everyone has the right to access the information recorded on them in the criminal records. The information in the criminal records is also used for imposing and enforcing criminal sanctions, and for determining the reliability and suitability of candidates when they apply for a job related to children, people with disabilities or the elderly, for example. More information on criminal records (oikeusrekisterikeskus.fi).