Community sanctions

A community sanction is a sentence that the convicted person serves without going to prison. The aim is to help the offender to stay away from a life of crime and to prepare them for everyday life after serving the sentence.

Community sanctions come with conditions and obligations that must be respected. They may also include supervision, rehabilitation or other activities.The types of community sanctions are described in more detail below.

Before sentencing to community sanctions, the Prison and Probation Service of Finland carries out a sanctions assessment if requested by the prosecutor, the court or the sentenced person. It assesses the suitability of the sentenced person to serve the sentence outside prison. More information on sanctions assessments (

Supervision of suspended imprisonment

A suspended prison sentence is served outside prison. Supervision may be added to the sentence if it improves the sentenced person’s ability to cope with everyday life and prevents them from committing new offences. A person over 21 years of age can also be sentenced to supervision.

Supervision of suspended imprisonment means regular meetings with a supervisor and following a plan for the duration of the sentence. The plan may include tasks, programmes and discussions. More information on the supervision of suspended imprisonment (

Juvenile punishment

Juvenile sentences are intended for offenders aged 15–17 when a fine is considered insufficient but unconditional imprisonment is too severe a penalty. The duration of a juvenile sentence is between 4 and 12 months.

The juvenile offender and their supervisors work together to draw up an enforcement plan. This plan includes supervision meetings, programmes and activities in which the offender participates and, if necessary, a visit to a place of work. More information on juvenile punishment (

Community service

An unconditional prison sentence of up to 8 months may be replaced by community service, i.e. unpaid work for the good of the community.

The work may include cleaning, renovation and yard work, kitchen and cafeteria work or other supportive tasks in a workplace provided by a municipality, organisation or church, for example. In addition, community service may include a range of programmes, discussions and rehabilitation to address criminal behaviour. More information on community service (

Monitoring sentence

A person sentenced to a monitoring sentence lives in their own home, but is monitored during the sentence by means of an electronic tag, amongst other things. A monitoring sentence may be imposed instead of an unconditional prison sentence of up to 6 months.

Someone sentenced to a monitoring sentence must follow a daily programme and commit to being substance-free. They may only move outside their home in a restricted area and only for an approved reason. More information on monitoring sentences (

Supervision of parole

A person sentenced to unconditional imprisonment usually serves the final part of their sentence on parole. Parole can be reinforced by supervision, for example, if there is more than one year left on the sentence, the offence was committed when the offender was under 21, the risk of re-offending is considered high or the offender requests supervision.

Parole can last up to 3 years. More information on the supervision of parole (

Period of supervision of a combination sentence

A combination sentence consists of a period of imprisonment and a one-year period of supervision, which the offender spends outside prison under electronic supervision. A person with several convictions for serious violent crimes can be sentenced to a combination sentence.

During the period of supervision, the sentenced person is required to be substance-free and to participate in rehabilitative activities. They are also restricted in their movements outside their own home. More information on period of supervision of a combination sentence (

Supervised probation

Supervised probation may start no earlier than six months before the release date. The probation is monitored by technical means, communication and substance monitoring. More information on supervised probation (