Rights of a Crime Victim

These are some of the issues discussed on our website: the support services and legal assistance available for crime victims; the conditions for obtaining victim protection; how to apply for compensation; the right to interpretation and translation of relevant documents; and mediation in criminal matters.

The information on the webpage is also presented as a printable brochure that can easily be handed out to crime victims. The police and other criminal investigation authorities, in particular, will also find it useful for communications purposes. The brochure may similarly be used and distributed by judicial authorities, support services for crime victims, and any other actors who work with crime victims.

The Ministry of Justice is responsible for updating the website and the brochure in their different language versions. The Ministry, however, declines all responsibility for any shortcomings and deficiencies found in the content.

The information on this website is also available in Finnish, Swedish, Sami, Estonian, Russian, Somali, Arabic and Sorani. Translations can be found here.

Published 21.1.2021