Contact us

Staff can be reached as follows:

Customer service of Hyvinkää office is open from Monday to Friday, 8 - 16.15.

Customer service of Järvenpää office is open from Monday to Friday, 9 - 11 and 12 - 15.

Reception of clients by appointment only.
You can book an appointment by phone on 029 566 0230.
Appointments are provided from Monday to Friday at 9.00 - 11.00 and 12.00 - 15.30.

The email address to the legal aid office is keski-uusimaa.oikapu(at)
When sending email, please replace (at) with @.


Leading Public Legal Aid Attorney:

Deputy Salmenkorva Tuukka

Public Legal Aid Attorneys, Hyvinkää office:

Härkönen Lea
Pilviö Mari
Raikaslehto Elina
Salmenkorva Tuukka

Public Legal Aid Attorneys, Järvenpää office:

Brummel Katariina

Secretary of Legal Aid, Hyvinkää office:

Aho Janne
Heikkilä Hanne-Mari
Heisalo Jutta
Murtola Nina
Nurmi Merja
Väisänen Sinikka

Secretary of Legal Aid, Järvenpää office:

Virtanen Sanna

Published 7.2.2021