Fi­nan­cial and debt coun­sell­ing

Fi­nan­cial and debt coun­sell­ing ser­vices are pro­vided by the state le­gal aid of­fices. Coun­sell­ing is pro­vided free of charge.
Read more about fi­nan­cial and debt coun­sell­ing

Financial and debt counselling services will be trans­ferred to the Na­tional Le­gal Ser­vices Au­thor­ity on 1 Jan­u­ary 2025

Read more about the National Legal Services Authority

Use e-ser­vices

You can use the e-services at your convenience.

Call the fi­nan­cial and debt coun­sell­ing ser­vices

All legal aid offices provide services by phone.

Book an ap­point­ment

If you wish to visit a legal aid office, please contact the office by phone or using the e-services to book an appointment.

Chat with a fi­nan­cial and debt coun­sel­lor

Click on the chat button for an anonymous conversation with a financial and debt counsellor.

Counselling in English is provided on Wednesdays at 10–12.

Counselling in Finnish is provided from Monday to Friday at 10–12 and on Thursdays also at 14–16.