Summoned to a trial

Arrival in court

These guidelines shall apply to the general courts.

It is important that you arrive to the proceedings in good time. All those coming to the courthouse will go through a securi-ty check. It is forbidden to bring steel weapons and other objects endangering safety and intoxicating substances to the courthouse. After the security check, enter the waiting room.

As the proceedings begin, it is good to wait close to the court room. The chair shall publish the information on the matter under consideration and invite the parties to the proceedings to the court room. It is possible that the processing sched-ule will be lengthy and preparations for delays will have to be made. The aim is to provide information on the timetable changes as soon as possible.

The mobile phone must be muted before entering the court room. Filming or recording of a trial shall be prohibited un-less the chairperson expressly authorises it.

If a summoned person needs an interpreter, the court shall be informed without delay of that fact and of the language to be interpreted.

Presence via a remote connection

In certain situations, it may be possible for a party or a witness to participate in the main proceedings via a remote connec-tion rather than being physically present in the court room. Such an opportunity has usually been mentioned separately in the summons to the proceedings. Participation via video or telephone connection must always be separately agreed with the district court in good time before the main proceedings. Otherwise, the summoned person shall comply with the or-der issued under the threat of a fine to arrive at the courthouse in person.

For more information on remote participation, see the section Participation in proceedings on a remote connection.

Published 23.11.2020