E-services of administrative and special courts

The e-services of administrative and special courts is a secure way of dealing with administrative and special courts. The use of e-services requires strong authentication.

The e-services enable individuals, companies and communities to submit an appeal or application to a court of their choice, as well as evidence, and to respond to a request for hearing sent by a court. The court may send a decision, requests for hearing and other documents through the service.

Go to the Service of administrative and special Courts (in Finnish)

Instructions on the designation of electronic documents for appellants

The instructions for the appeal procedure of the administrative court are contained in the appeal instructions appended to the decision under appeal. In addition, the instructions on this page below shall be taken into account when submitting the electronic documents. The division and designation of files in accordance with the instructions facilitates the processing of documents by a court of law.

In the same case, the material already submitted to the authority, the appeal board or the adminis-trative court does not need to be sent again.

Segregation of data into files in the e-services

The decision subject to appeal, together with the appeal instructions, and the appeal, shall be taken to the points reserved and designated for them in the e-services. Similarly, any other supporting documents of the appeal shall be entered as a separate file in the space reserved for them (“Appen-dices/other documents of the procedural document”) in the e-services. Corresponding action must also be taken with other procedural documents and their annexes.

Division of data into files when using e-mail

The appeal and the decision subject to appeal, together with the appeal instructions, shall be sub-mitted in separate files. Any other procedural documents and annexes shall also be submitted in a separate file.

Naming files

  • The file shall be clearly named so that the file name describes the contents of the file as well as possible. You can edit the file name in the e-mail service before sending.
  • In the name of the file, it is recommended that you also provide some specific information, such as the date of the document and/or the name of the person who the document con-cerns.
  • If the appeal or other document contains a numbered attachment list, it is recommended that a corresponding attachment number be placed at the beginning of the attachment file name.
  • The file name cannot be longer than 100 characters, including spaces.
  • The following characters may not be used in the file name: " * : ? / \ |


  • Decision under appeal 21.1.2021
  • Appeal 11.2.2021
  • Invoice for legal costs 13.2.2021
  • Legal aid decision 15.11.2021
  • Appendix 1 Certificate of qualification 1.12.2019 Matti Meikäläinen
  • Appendix 2 Book of Commerce 25.10.2016

Allowed file formats

  • Text files: txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, odt, ods, odp, odg, odf, pdf
  • Image files: jpg, jpeg, png
  • The maximum size of a single file in an electronic service is 10 MB
  • The maximum size of an e-mail message and its attachments is 40 MB

Published 21.1.2021