Expert members of administrative courts

An expert member shall participate in the consideration and deciding of certain matters laid down in the legislation. An expert member acting in a court of law shall be independent in the same way as a judge. Expert members shall be those who have completed a higher education degree and have familiarised themselves with the tasks covered by the applicable legislation.

In the administrative court, an expert member participates in the consideration of the matter, for example in matters relating to child welfare, matters relating to forced care under the Mental Health Act and matters referred to in the Communicable Diseases Act. In addition to administrative courts, there are expert members in the Supreme Administrative Court, the Market Court, the Insurance Court and the Labour Court.

The Government appoints experts to the administrative courts, the Market Court and the Insurance Court. The President of the Republic shall appoint the members of the experts to the Supreme Administrative Court and the Labour Court. The term of office of the members of the experts shall be five years or until they meet the resignation age laid down for the judges.

Published 22.1.2021